I’ve always been the type of person who would give someone the quarter, dime or even sometimes dollar they need at the cash register, or pick up a hat that someone dropped or call the last called number on a cell phone to ask the person on the other end to inform the owner that I found their phone. I’ve always opened doors, pushed cars out of snow banks and have sat with a person who was grazed by a passing car for the ambulance to come.
While I really appreciate the sentiment (click on the photo for the link) and what it’s supposed to be about – I have to ask the question…
I ask this question respectfully: Do we have to document everything we do now? What does this say about our society? What is it that we’re looking for when we inform everyone of our “good deeds”? Are we so inundated by bad news with video clips that we need an injection of goodwill to remind us of what it means to be human? A real one? Are we so out of touch with our hearts? Maybe.
Let’s not over do it ok? – I mean telling everybody on FB or Twitter or wherever. Otherwise – like yoga, the word ‘awesome’, that thing you do with your fingers to form a heart – “acts of kindness” (good deeds) will become so mundane, so trite, so saccharine that they will be rendered passé and thrown into the trash with ‘been-there-done-that’.
Acts of kindness are things to be witnessed – so don’t hesitate to do them just for the sake of doing them. Let whoever witnesses it be the one to sing your praises… that’s a risk I’m willing to take…