Why have endangered lists for species on the edge of disaster – some may ask? Some think that it might be too much of a snowflake thing to be so concerned – especially at the expense of property, and commerce.
We are supposed to be guardians.
Aboriginal people throughout the world recognize this. Living so close with the earth’s rhythms, they understand the true ebb and flow of life on the earth. Abundance and then scarcity have always been the rhythm. It is an imposed, arbitrary and very ego-ic idea to think that there is only growth – like thinking that there’s only light, it undermines our own true nature and doesn’t inform us of how to live as Humans as part of the species on earth.
We are the only creature that takes and doesn’t give back.
We don’t have anything more that makes us greater than any other species on earth except one thing – our impact here due to our greed and appetites can and are devastating the earth at an alarming rate.
To give back – is to recognize this. We’re the only ones who can protect the earth and its life (including us) by recognizing our responsibility in wreaking havoc here. We are the only creature on earth that offers nothing back. We can only do it through our conscience.